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Play Online Bingo Games

The Bingo is a game in all respects similar to the "old" bingo. Its origins can be traced back to 1929, when an American, a New York toy salesman named Edwin Lowe, who, through work from Georgia, had witnessed and participated in a game resulting from the lot called "Beano".

The game of Bingo is the extraction of 90 numbers, and carried out in rooms previously authorized. The aim of the game is to cancel, hand to hand that are extracted, the numbers reported on the folder. The player to win the award, must complete their own folder, on which are printed 15 different numbers, spread over 3 horizontal lines and 9 vertical.

Winning combinations are commonly provided: the quintet (which occurs when all 5 numbers are drawn on a horizontal line) and Bingo (which takes place only once per game when they are pulled all 15 numbers on a player's folder) .

Folders are made of paper material and each folder is valid for a single game. The combination of numbers on each folder is random basis in order to avoid simultaneous winnings. The balls are numbered from one to ninety and are equal in size and weight. The Grantee is required to count the balls in public or before the end of the game.

The equipment must be equipped with appropriate technology to ensure the transparency and fairness of the game. Must be authorized by AIMS, which shall verify them and check them out. The extraction of each ball is performed on various closed circuit monitors placed in the room and positioned in such a way as to ensure the perfect visibility to all the players present. The room must be equipped with a sound amplification system to allow players to follow the progress of the game. In fact, online bingo, as compared to that practiced in the land-based gambling halls, it may be advantageous because the player has the option to play as and when you want the comfort of sitting on the couch at home.

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